Tune Ups For Your Feet

Are you in a Healing Profession? Do you enjoy going home at the end of the day knowing you provided great value for your services? Do you ever wish that you could give even more and have the results of your sessions last longer?

Is there anything more valuable to your clients than feeling confident about not falling when walking? Or perhaps they would value having better physical coordination? Or more enduring results from chiropractic and massage therapy?

A single Muscle Tuning session ended my client's public embarrassment as a result of experiencing a mild neurological injury. He walked as though he was drunk. He landed himself in a patch of brambles while simply picking a berry. He fell down a small hill when walking the dog, wavered when standing at work and had challenges when taking public transit. It was tiring hearing people ask if he was okay. Never mind the consequences of falling down the stairs at home!

If the process...

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Podcast Appearances

These recordings reflect the authentic me sharing my perspective on maintaining or improving wellness, self-care, preventing injury, recovering from injury, increasing strength /flexibility / range of motion, reducing stress and reaching physical and other goals more easily. Quite a nice collection even if I do say so myself!

If you like to consume information by listening or watching... here are some treats for you:


Yours in strength and balance!

© 2023 Denise Cambiotti – Muscle Tuners International Inc.



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You Have Emotional Reset Buttons

better sleep self-care tips May 23, 2022

Have you ever gotten stressed and fallen into an unproductive or ugly emotional state? Stress causes your ‘dinosaur-brain’ to trigger behaviours that are not very resourceful. Once you’ve gotten there, it can be difficult to have a productive day or regain your sense of calmness and control.

There is something you can do that activates your emotional reset buttons. The following approach is a general overall method to use when you realize you are experiencing emotional stress and it consistently works like magic. Let me show you how simple it is to release stress and light up your frontal cortex so that you can feel better, solve challenges more easily and make better decisions.

This activity utilizes certain acupressure points which literally act as emotional pressure release valves in order to reduce the amount of time stress hormones circulate through your body causing uncomfortable feelings.

Have you ever noticed when someone is stressed they...

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7 Ways to Increase Your Productivity

tips Apr 15, 2021

Someone recently  asked me how I seem to show up happy, stay organized, and get things done. I realized there are 7 top things that contribute to my being able to achieve that pretty regularly:

  1. Waking up with gratitude to have at least one meaningful purpose for living today.

Appreciation and gratitude are powerful sources of energy. Having a purpose helps in completing things you start. 

  1. Regular meditative activities and increasing my positive state

Many successful and happy people encourage us to take time for meditation. There are many forms of meditation. Explore, experiment and find a method that helps still your mind and access your innate talents.

In addition to meditation, I regularly take time to notice my ‘state’. I have learned a few ways to reduce negative states and nourish a positive state. I ensure I begin each day with an activity specifically intended to boost me up, put a spring in my step and add a sincerely happy lilt to my...

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Breathe Deeply for the Next Three Minutes

energy self-care tips May 06, 2020

Most people take breathing for granted. As Muscle Tuner® Specialists, we pay attention to breathing habits.

• Deep breathing is one of the best and certainly cheapest ways to lower stress. When you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then forwards this message to your body.

• Shallow breathing causes the body to produce adrenaline. There are enough other stressors in our day not to add one more, so learn to breathe correctly.

• Why punish our precious adrenal glands? When there's a good supply of oxygen, our adrenals in particular understand they are not required to prepare the body for 'fight or flight'.

• Deep (diaphragmatic) breathing properly oxygenates the body which is essential for numerous functions including metabolism and energy production
((= fat burning!)

• Dr. Sheldon Deal, D.C., says: "We live on the bottom of a sea of energy. When we breathe, it is a form of breathing in some of this...

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Stay Focussed to Stay Calm

Were you aware that activities that force you to focus on your breath or your body movements encourage your nervous system to relax and your body energies to 'ground'? Would that feel good to you about now?

Continue reading because the martial arts example demonstrates how your mind and body can become calm (but you won’t need to learn this art to gain benefits).

In martial arts it is important to constantly focus on your posture, how much weight each foot and joint is bearing, each phase of your breath, where your arms and hands are, at what angles your wrists and fingers are held, what direction your toes point and what you need to do to get to the next position...

Being this focussed on a single activity means there is no time to worry about what to make for dinner or how you're going to get your child to finish their homework. 

Many types of physical activities are actually like doing "moving meditation".

Lots of activities qualify. When you're in the gym...

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Not feeling well after that Halloween Candy?

tips Nov 01, 2019

It can be challenging not to be tempted by all the Halloween candy available everywhere this week. Did you resist so far? Did did you keep it to a small taste or two? If yes, congratulations!  If no, did you notice how hard it is to stop, especially when there are so many different ones to sample??

Eating sugary treats like candy, most breakfast cereals and even many gluten-free products is very hard on your pancreas because it is the organ responsible for producing the chemicals that break down all that sweetness. 

Here's a helpful tip to support your pancreas. 
There's a neurological reflex point that you can activate with small circular rubbing motions that helps stimulate the pancreas when it's gotten a bit too sluggish after working so hard: 

Rub this point gently yet firmly for about 30 seconds two or three times on days when you've indulged in something sweet. It really helps your body function more easily. 


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Surprising Results from 'Power On Your Brain' Free Tip

We are sharing a pretty nice 'Winning Story' reported to us during our most recent Office Hours support video conference we regularly host for our members. One of our Muscle Tuner® Specialists gave a wonderful report. It was related to one of the techniques we often share called 'Power on Your Brain'.

She had a female friend in her mid 30's perform this technique. Touch for Health® colleagues know this as the 'Switching On Exercises'. This woman had had a stroke eight years previously and had undertaken a series of rehabilitation efforts during this duration and things had gotten better but she still had a few issues. She currently suffered from a problem with her peripheral vision.  This meant she couldn't view her surroundings with any amount of 'wide angle' that we mostly all take for granted. 

Instantly after performing this technique, she said "Oh My God!" and reported that all her peripheral vision had returned. She...

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Tip for Sore Joints and Muscles

pain tips Oct 12, 2018

Warm Ups Are Important
Even though my gym is nearby I have been a little tardy in arriving for group sessions the last few visits and didn't get an effective warmup. Not a good habit. During my last session, one of my knees complained loudly. It quickly got surprisingly painful to the point I couldn't put my full weight on the one leg during some of the moves.

Simple, Effective Technique
Thankfully we soon got a brief water break and I had about 20 seconds to perform the "Origin / Insertion Technique' that we teach in our Muscle Tuner™ Specialist program. You will want to remember the theory of this technique in case you ever experience a 'muscle pull'. Perform it as early as possible and you will be impressed with the results. #TIP

How to Do It?
The only trick to the technique is having some understanding of where your painful muscle 'originates' from and where it 'inserts'. Once you know that, use your fingertips to make tiny circular wiggles all along the edges of...

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Handy Technique at the Fair!

pain tips walking Sep 02, 2018

Last week I spent time at the end-of-summer fair in Vancouver, BC and enjoyed the President's Choice SuperDog show (#pcsuperdogs) at the arena. However, when descending the steep concrete steps surrounded by crowds of people, I turned my foot oddly while stepping down. Ouch. It felt like a light sprain at the bottom of my foot and it felt like the arch collapsed a bit. Determined to be tough and not spoil the day I managed well enough until I finished lunch. When I stood up, the discomfort was even worse.  I started wondering how I was going to make the very long trek back to the car.

As a Muscle Tuner™ Specialist, I happen to know that the Posterior Tibialis muscles are involved in helping support the arch of the foot. As any devoted practitioner of Muscle Tuning™, I plopped myself down on a nearby bench, pulled off my shoe and thoroughly activated the origin and insertion of this muscle on my sore foot. I also activated...

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