Would you appreciate learning unique ways to impress clients who suffer chronic pain? Do you have clients who don't progress steadily in their plan of care or strengthening exercises? Perhaps you just need an approach that will contribute to your long and satisfying career?

You can expand your client satisfaction levels and grow your bottom line by adding Muscle Tuning™ services to your business. 

To get you started, attend this Masterclass where I will share unconventional but scientific ways to:

  • Help Your Clients Gain Flexibility Faster
  • Prevent Injury By Balancing Strength of Opposing Muscles
  • Increase Wellness and Vitality

Wellness providers who attend this one-hour experiential Mind & Body Tuning Masterclass will discover how to:

  • Wake up body / brain communication pathways
  • Engage the parasympathetic nervous system for greater and faster response to bodywork and therapy
  • Tune up eight postural muscles for greater strength and ease of movement
  • Support the body's meridian flow and organ function without acupuncture needles
  • Reduce tension / pain with an unconventional approach

July Events

One Hour
Tune up 8 muscles
Wake up body / brain connections for yourself and clients!

CLICK for details

August Events

One Hour
Tune up 8 muscles
Wake up body / brain connections for yourself and clients!

CLICK for details

September Events

One Hour
Tune up 8 muscles
Wake up body / brain connections for yourself and clients!

CLICK for details

Any Questions?

Our Introduction to Muscle Tuning™ webinar provides you an experience of Virtual Muscle Tuning.

The full Muscle Tuning System is an efficient and effective approach to reducing pain / discomfort; increasing strength / flexibility / coordination; and reducing emotional stress that has been trapped in muscles, tendons, ligaments and fascia. This introductory event will give you significant tools you can use right away and 100% of participants have reported improvements in one or more of: pain/discomfort; ease of range of motion; vitality level. 

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