Need Some Facts?

Check out the documents below before you register for the Muscle Tuner® Specialist Program.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We provide a sharply focused training program that teaches you how to perform
    muscle testing and Muscle Tuning™ safely and effectively
  • Learn how to educate clients about your new skills
  • Learn numerous techniques to optimize the function of 52 individual muscles
  • Receive a full colour reference manual, summary sheets and client recording forms
  • Online component – about 10 hours of video covering theory and demonstrations of each technique and protocol, downloadable PDFs plus individual video clips of each muscle test
  • Practical assignments plus unit review quizzes
  • Marketing Advice

  • In-person 3-day seminar to practice the art of Muscle Tuning™ - Full Price Program 
  • 2 hour proficiency testing in order to qualify for a Trademark License
  • 1st Year Trademark License
  • Group video conference meetings during and AFTER your program

© Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020

  • Easily discover hidden issues for each of the 52 individual muscles in our Foundations Program
  • Different reflexes have various effects on muscles, learn when to apply them
  • You'll receive protocols for clearing chronic painful problems
  • Release stress in key reflexes that can reduce or prevent painful compensation patterns from developing
  • Discover ways to support ourselves between Tune-Up sessions
  • Experience a technique that helps to reduce fear about performance or other events
  • It can take about 30 minutes to Tune-Up either the Primary Muscles or Secondary Muscles once you get some practice

© Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020

We're not an academic institution. We do not offer any academic certification.

We are a corporation that offers the opportunity to apply for a trademark license to call yourself a "Muscle Tuner Specialist" to people who meet our training standard. 

©  Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020


After your trademark licensing exam, you will be able to introduce yourself this way:

“I’m a Muscle Tuner™ Specialist and I can help you with 'that problem' so that you will be able to … x, y, z”

We have found this introduction breaks the ice and leads to a natural conversation on how you can help them with all the skills you have to offer. Nearly everyone believes their muscles can use a 'Tune Up'! 

When people discover how instantly their muscles respond to this hands-on technology, they will be pleased to promote you because of their positive results. 

@ Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2018

  • We all have payments to make. Maybe you have already invested a lot of money to do the work you love or you're on the edge of investing in something and want to make your $$$ count. So why buy this Program?

    Sets You Apart

    We’re here to tell you that our Muscle Tuner™ Specialist Program will set you apart from others in your field. Introducing yourself as a Muscle Tuner™ Specialist makes it clear what you specialize in so that you can focus on setting an appointment instead of explaining what you do. People will soon be seeking out your particular skills because they will be hearing that you get faster results and might help people avoid injury.

    Easier to Market Yourself

    What is the worth of easily attracting new customers just by introducing yourself? We can’t tell you how many times we’ve heard: “Well I have at least a few muscles that could use a tune-up!”

    Another Revenue Stream

    Having more than one service to sell is important to support your business. Muscle Tuning™ will be a valuable extra service you can offer.

    It Pays for Itself

    Depending on where you live you can normally charge from $1 per minute for your new service. If you paid full price for our program it would take under 40 hours before your investment is paid off. Earnings from performing Muscle Tuning™ for the remainder of the year goes directly into your pocket. Not only that! Realize you will own these skills for life, and THAT is priceless.

    Extra Benefits

    • Your registration includes free access to bi-weekly video conferences where you can ask questions to support your learning
    • You have access to our Secret Facebook Page to connect with colleagues and receive news. Ask questions and receive answers about Muscle Tuning™.
    • A fully customizable profile page on our Network Website that reflects all your services, skills and dates of your events. It allows your customers to book appointments online and also pay for their session. We help you take care of two of the main hassles of running your own business!
    • Plus, you have unlimited access to all the online materials to refresh yourself on any techniques or procedures at no extra fee as long as you maintain your license.

    Some people have mentioned that our Program seems expensive. However they haven't explored all that they receive in addition to 'just' the training. 

    If finding funds to pay for the program in one lump sum is an issue, would a payment plan help? Talk to us. We’re here to help you bring these profound, fun and satisfying skills into your life!

    @ Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2018

Muscle Tuners International Inc. is a company that is DIFFERENT. The program creators have extensive training in numerous modalities that utilize muscle testing. We understand how to work with clients in a practical way to help them improve how their body moves and we can train you to do it too.

If we stand in your shoes as a person working in the fitness or rehabilitation industries, we can identify problems with learning muscle testing:

  • Some sources don’t focus on accuracy and quality.
  • Some programs cover a lot of material that isn’t pertinent to someone in your industry so you have to filter a lot of it out. We save your time by focussing on the stuff you’re going to use!
  • Most programs do not offer coaching outside of the classroom environment.
  • Most programs do not offer support after you pass your final assessment.
  • We add in marketing advice.
  • Programs have traditionally been taught in-person and have not had online video access which allows you to watch any segment as many times as you need to absorb the basic theory at your own pace in the comfort of your own home.
  • We won't leave you on your own about how to implement the art of muscle testing where you work.
  • Other organizations don’t offer a dedicated website to promote your services with the ability to  take online appointment bookings and payments.

Muscle Tuners International Inc. has seen and solved these problems for our customers.

Let’s face it. There are gyms and physiotherapy offices up and down the street and they’re easy to find. It can be hard to stand out from the crowd. One way to increase your customer base is by getting a reputation for doing something that works, and works quickly. Our training WILL help YOU STAND OUT!

@ Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2018

Nitty Gritty

Your body parts don't work in isolation. Groups of muscles work together to lift an object or to allow you to bend down.  When one muscle isn't operating at 100% other muscles take on a greater load. While that allows you to function, eventually the muscles that are working harder will start to complain. When we perform Muscle Tuning™ we isolate a muscle away from it's helper (synergist) muscles by strategically positioning a limb and pushing it through a specific range of motion against resistance from the client. If it is not working properly we have a choice of which reflexes to activate to restore proper body/brain communication. This simple activity immediately improves the strength ratio between opposing muscles, therefore it helps to prevent injury due to a muscle pulling too strongly against  a weakened opposing muscle.

It can be fascinating to learn which muscles are literally switched off and we can discover this by performing Muscle Testing. It is even more interesting to observe what happens after activating it's reflexes!

Muscle Testing = assessing the current state of a muscle. Is it switched on / locked / facilitated? Or not?

Muscle Tuning™ = activating reflexes to restore the body/brain connection,  switches on muscles, restores optimal facilitation and reduces compensation patterns among muscles. 

By the way: Applied Kinesiology doctors have researched that different muscles communicate energetically with specific organs and glands via the acupuncture meridian network. Therefore tuning up muscles can also subtly support the wellness of our organs and glands. 

© Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020

We perform Pre-Tuning™ Exercises before we offer Muscle Tuning™. These enhance the experience and are also beneficial to perform at home to reduce stress and increase ease.

Pre-Tuning™ wakes up the body / brain communication before muscle testing in order to observe imbalances most accurately. Some of these activities are yours to preview by downloading our free Energy Boost 5 Tips”.

© Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020


  • When all muscles are properly facilitated and working in cooperation the body can achieve functional and specific fitness goals, faster. Additionally, your clients should be at less risk of injury.
  • Muscle Tuning™ might assist in healing injured areas, and have it happen more quickly by waking up the body/brain connection that may have switched-off as a result of an injury.  
  • It's satisfying to help people develop more strength, confidence and freedom to move more easily.  And it can be a lot of fun introducing this to people who haven't experienced muscle testing from head to foot yet!


  • Who can benefit from offering Muscle Tuning?
    - Fitness Trainers, Coaches, Body Workers, Kinesiologists and Physical Therapists.
  • Who can benefit from receiving Muscle Tuning Sessions?
    - Every Body!

© Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020


The Biggest Objections - Answered

We can’t tell you for sure that you will find the time, but we can tell you that we’ve made the process as easy and efficient as possible for our students. Heather and I have taken a lot of courses and have experienced or witnessed blocks to learning. We wanted to solve those issues.  Below we’re listing some of the problems other programs might have and our solutions:

  1. Other programs take too long before I can accomplish anything worthwhile with my clients.
    Our program is highly focused with about 10 hours of video, 8 assignments plus review questions in order to help you anchor your learning. Newcomers typically complete the online portion of the program within 14-24 hours of study which they can undertake at their own pace. Participants achieve positive results right from the beginning as they progress through the modules.
    We are confident this single program teaches the core concepts and skills that give reliable results. 
  2. I don’t have time to learn.
    We have recorded all our lectures on the development of these techniques, theory and explanation of all the protocols plus demonstrations into relatively short video clips of about 5, 15, 30 and just a couple videos of about 60 minutes. You can fit in as much studying as you have time for in any learning session. The total commitment of video time is about 10 hours. You may take as much time as you wish to read the manual, review the extra downloadable PDFs and to take short online quizzes to reinforce your learning.
    Plus, realize that you can take the program at your own pace from the comfort of your own home or office whenever you can fit in some time. Additionally you have up to a year to complete the program. 
    Our in-person seminars are scheduled several times per year so that you can pick a date that fits your calendar.
  3. It will take forever to remember all that information!
    Once you learn the basics, we still expect you to use your materials all the time!
    You don’t ever have to memorize everything. You will eventually learn how to perform all the muscle tests through repetition and you will easily learn the corrective techniques for muscles that are common problems for many people. You’ll progress from turning the pages in your manual (one for every muscle) to using thumbnail summary sheets that have the picture of each muscle test start position and progress to using client recording forms that list all the corrections for each individual muscle right on the page. (We love cheat sheets!)

Once you learn how to perform Muscle Tuning™ you’ll be saving time looking for new clientele because you’ll be in demand and your clients will be referring friends.

Are you ready yet to make a significant difference in people’s lives?

© Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020

There is a lot of material in other courses that isn’t pertinent to what I want to do in the fitness or rehabilitation industry. It takes a lot of effort to figure out which parts will work for me in my line of work.
We have distilled core information from years of research and empirical experience and combined techniques and procedures in new ways. We focus on what you need to be great in your job. We focus on muscles and support structures and how to de-stress them and tune them up quickly and easily. Anyone in your industry can take our straightforward procedure and apply it right away. 

Hotels and rental cars add up a lot of expense. Can I minimize time away from home?
We have purposely created the main training component of this program to be delivered online so that you can study at your own pace from anywhere with an internet connection at any time of the day or night. Feedback from past participants confirms learning all the technical information online is efficient and minimizes the amount of time one spends away from home / business.
There is an art to muscle testing so you will want to attend an in-person seminar. There, you will practice with a variety of people while receiving live feedback from certified instructors. We want you to be successful in muscle testing safely. We will make sure you’re doing it effectively. Participant feedback about the experience is very positive. They feel ready to market their skills after the in-person seminar. For all these reasons, we require you to attend the in-person seminar where you can learn in a fun environment. This is also the place to have your skills assessed to qualify for your trademark license. 

Can I take this training closer to home?
Maybe you are so keen to learn this in a convenient location you'll contact us about sponsoring a seminar in your neighbourhood. You can also earn revenue by signing up as an Affiliate so that you receive a financial 'thank you' for everyone you invite who registers for the program.

© Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020

We have worked hard at providing quality learning materials. We have found students learn best when working with:

  • full colour manuals with simplified anatomical language
  • images that show the beginning of each muscle test with labels and text as required on top of each image to clearly indicate its range of motion
  • unlimited access to the online videos covering all the theory and demonstrations of all the techniques
  • access to alphabetized video clips of each individual muscle test 
  • downloadable PDFs that summarize the key information of each module to make study and review easier
  • access to instructors throughout the entire program
  • access to instructors after completing the program as graduates develop or enhance their business

Take up to a year to absorb the information and complete the program. You can take the program at your own pace from the comfort of your own home or office whenever you can fit in some time.  Attend as many or as few video conference calls as you choose. 

In-person seminars are scheduled several times per year so that you can pick a date that fits your calendar and you get to have hands-on practice to ensure you are doing everything correctly.

© Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020

Administrative Details

You have unlimited access to this program. You can review any video on technique or protocol any time you wish even after you complete the series. We want you to be able to refer to the information any time you wish so that you can maintain the quality of the service that you provide. 

We do expect you to complete your online studies within one year in order to attend the in-person seminar at no extra fee (Bridge program participants excepted). However, we will allow you to extend your subscription for an extra fee in order to complete your studies if life throws you a curve ball. Contact us if you require an extension.

© Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020

Whoops, I over-committed myself. Or I changed my mind. Can I get my money back?
We're willing to offer you a partial refund under a few conditions.

Current details at the checkout. They vary depending on whether you have chosen a payment plan or full payment.

Due to the intellectual nature of this product, we aren't in a position to offer a full refund.

If you find you do not end up using this technology in your life, we regret to say we do not offer a full money-back guarantee.

Can I buy this as a gift for someone?
Certainly, arrangements can be made to bill you and register the product in someone else's name. Contact us at: [email protected] with your request. 

Do you offer payment plans?
Yes, we offer payment plans. In addition to the options you notice on the sales page, we're open to hearing about your need. Email us with your request and include your phone number. We will contact you during business hours to discuss something that works for both of us. [email protected]

© Muscle Tuners International Inc. 2020

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