3 Little-Known Ways That Muscles Affect Organs (and Glands)

Would it surprise you to learn that every single one of your muscles communicate to your organs and glands? This occurs in part via subtle energetic channels called Meridians and little-known reflexes that connect the nervous system with the lymphatic or vascular structures that flow through the organs. Many therapists are unaware that impaired function of these affects organ and muscle function.

  1. Acupuncture works with tiny points located on energetic pathways called Meridians. These pathways support bodies with subtle energy called Ch’i which has been studied for thousands of years. The presence of Meridians has been confirmed by several Western experiments involving injection of radioactive-isotopes that follow predictable patterns of flow throughout the body.

Beginning in the 1960s chiropractor Dr. George Goodheart Jr. sometimes obtained unexpected results from contacting the body in specific ways and ‘accidentally’ fixing patients chronic complaints. He would then research what he was touching when these happy incidents occurred and was able to link his observations to osteopathic research as well as to Chinese Meridian Theory.

  1. Osteopathic physician Dr. Frank Chapman published studies in the 1930s describing how contacting certain areas on the surface of the body caused greater lymphatic flow to specific organs. He found an interface between the nervous and lymphatic systems that positively affected organs. These areas became known as Neuro-Lymphatic reflexes.

  2. About that same time period, osteopath Dr. Terrence Bennett conducted full body fluoroscope experiments involving the injection of radioactive dye into patients and then holding different points mainly located on the head. He observed that touching certain points caused increased blood flow to different organs. These became known as Neuro-Vascular Reflexes.

Dr. Goodheart confirmed that activating certain neuro-lymphatic and neuro-vascular reflexes improved the function of muscles that he assessed with manual muscle-testing. Later on, he found that touching certain acupressure points also strengthened muscles. He enjoyed that the names of meridians were associated with organs which further corroborated the relationships he was discovering between organs, muscles and these additional reflexes. Dr. Goodheart’s research was revolutionary and has since translated into approaches anyone can utilize to support their wellness without developing the sensitivity of an osteopath or undertaking the lengthy education required to become an acupuncturist.

I hope you find it interesting to learn that improving the flow of Ch’i, lymph supply or blood flow to organs inherently benefits the function of muscles. The corollary is also true: by improving the function of individual muscles we coincidentally improve the function of organs and glands which supports overall wellness.

A blend of structural/energetic approaches is often the missing piece for individuals who have struggled with chronic challenges. If you are a wellness provider you may want to consider adding a process that quickly allows you to do so. This enables you to support clients who haven’t been able to fully benefit from your current treatments as well as providing faster and more durable results with the others.

I’m always happy to have conversations with those who are curious about complementary ways of supporting the body and wellness. Contact me to have any questions answered.

© 2022 Denise Cambiotti – Muscle Tuners International Inc.

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