Tune Ups For Your Feet

Are you in a Healing Profession? Do you enjoy going home at the end of the day knowing you provided great value for your services? Do you ever wish that you could give even more and have the results of your sessions last longer?

Is there anything more valuable to your clients than feeling confident about not falling when walking? Or perhaps they would value having better physical coordination? Or more enduring results from chiropractic and massage therapy?

A single Muscle Tuning session ended my client's public embarrassment as a result of experiencing a mild neurological injury. He walked as though he was drunk. He landed himself in a patch of brambles while simply picking a berry. He fell down a small hill when walking the dog, wavered when standing at work and had challenges when taking public transit. It was tiring hearing people ask if he was okay. Never mind the consequences of falling down the stairs at home!

If the process...

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Podcast Appearances

These recordings reflect the authentic me sharing my perspective on maintaining or improving wellness, self-care, preventing injury, recovering from injury, increasing strength /flexibility / range of motion, reducing stress and reaching physical and other goals more easily. Quite a nice collection even if I do say so myself!

If you like to consume information by listening or watching... here are some treats for you:


Yours in strength and balance!

© 2023 Denise Cambiotti – Muscle Tuners International Inc.



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Healing Can Happen Anywhere!


One of the things students often hear me say is that “healing can happen anywhere”.

The image above is me working on someone in a gym. This system requires no equipment so Muscle Tuning™ can just as easily be offered at someone’s residence or office, and if you click the play button, you will see another woman's video describing the dramatic change she enjoyed as a result of a conversation we had while I was out for a walk.


I was chatting with her on the phone after I had seen a post about her new kayak. That's when she mentioned that she had a fear of water. Wow. I stopped in my tracks at the park and asked if I could help with that.

She agreed so I led her through the process which took about 4 minutes. It was simple to coach Alison in our proprietary Dynamic Emotional Alignment Reset™ (DEAR) Technique to release trapped emotional stress and she said she already felt much less scared about going out in her...

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New Muscle TunerĀ® Specialist Hosts Successful Demo

It was another proud day when one of our graduates joined a regularly scheduled Zoom conference support call to report how things went for her at a recent demonstration event she hosted.

She told us she arranged to use some meeting space at a local gym and distributed posters around town, posted on social media and sent out personal invitations.

She shared with us the fear she had had about whether she could offer demonstrable changes in the short time allotted for each attendee.

How Did the Demo Go?

She was delighted to have very positive results with every volunteer! For example, two people with considerable pain felt a reduction in discomfort ranging from ‘almost all’ to ‘completely gone’. Another person had an old injury that required her to re-learn how to walk. The crowd and the young woman noticed that she was already walking better after a few Gait Mechanism Reflexes were reset. Another volunteer later had a regular follow up osteopathic appointment...

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Once at the TOP the scenery wasā€¦.BREATHTAKING

demonstrations Aug 29, 2018

While on holidays and on a road trip from the Lower Mainland to the 'End of the Road' in Keno City, Yukon in August, Denise found several people from Whitehorse, Mayo, and Keno City interested in her new business and willing to experience a demonstration.  

Her willing participants were school chums, hotel operators, 20+-year-olds going to post-secondary schools for sports sciences, a gym manager, a retired miner, a retired RCMP officer, a schoolteacher, a government negotiator, and even a visiting physiotherapist from Ontario!  All of these people found their experience to be 'impressive' and one remarked 'why haven't I heard about this yet???!!!!'. That young man was visiting home during summer break from university in Victoria and both he and the physiotherapist were very pleased to learn that the majority of our Program can be taken online at their own pace.

One of our Muscle Tuner® Specialists, Alison Zeidler, lives in...

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