Your Body Has Reset Buttons

Because the body is electrical in nature, the nervous system will often pop a ‘circuit-breaker’ when there has been over-use, injury or chronic stress causing a muscle or series of muscles to stop working optimally. Knowing where the reset buttons are to restore the energy flow can be a game-changer.

If you are a therapist who isn’t aware of this circuitry, you may fail to permanently resolve physical issues because few or no messages are getting to the tissues that are in trouble because neurological messages aren’t being delivered and affected areas cannot respond appropriately.

For individuals who practice manual muscle testing these areas are easy to identify. The process basically involves positioning a limb in a certain manner to isolate a contracted muscle and then attempting to push it along its range of motion while asking the client to keep their limb at the start position. When neurological signalling has been disrupted, the limb will not...

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Why is This Method So Fast?


Sometimes an injury is slow to heal and it takes longer for your client to recover than you would like. Maybe you have noticed a body part doesn’t function as well as it did before a strain or an accident has occurred.

Time and a conventional approach to therapy doesn’t always work. If this is the case, you need a different strategy so that clients achieve the results they want sooner.

It may interest you to know that in about 60-90 minutes over 50 muscles from head to foot can be checked to see if they are communicating with the brain optimally, along with resetting any that need to be tuned up. It’s wonderful to find and fix troubled muscles before your clients bend down to pick up a proverbial paperclip and ‘suddenly’ can’t get up again.

Because the body is electrical in nature, when there has been over-use, a strain, or other injury, the nervous system will often pop a ‘circuit-breaker’. Numerous muscles may seem...

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Hate Exercise? Change The Tune!

It's January and a lot of individuals are on an exercise kick, aren't they? Where will they be in February? You and I know that many of them will be frustrated, in pain and giving up.

The average person is doing the exercise thing backwards because they are Exercising to Tune Up their muscles in order to get stronger and develop better muscle tone. What if they Tuned Up Their Muscles BEFORE Exercising? 

Regardless of age, some of your muscles have 'checked out' because of over-use or injury and are not pulling their share of the weight. This causes other muscles to do the work of their neighbours. If several leg muscles aren't working properly for example, one may be at risk of a knee injury, an ankle sprain, or an unexpected fall. In addition, the muscles that are doing all the extra work get annoyed and will often communicate their displeasure with pain signals. Common pain relief methods won't last very long if this is the case. This...

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Strengthen Your Legs

If you do Lower Body workouts and notice sore legs the next day, you should rub these important reflexes before leaving the gym. I especially love using a narrow soapy loofah on these in the shower as soon as I get home. This activity helps push lactic acid out of your muscles and enhances the lymphatic flow for your thighs.
If you wish you could progress with your training faster and start doing more squats or pushing heavier weights in the hack rack, or simply get out of that chair more easily, rub these beforehand (yes, the effect will last long enough if you do this in the privacy of the rest room before going out on the floor!) #MuscleMondays #SwitchOnMusclesFirst


Be Strong. Be Confident. Be Tuned!

- by Denise Cambiotti 
© 2020  Muscle Tuners International Inc.

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Tuning for Recovery at the Gym

A client met me at the gym last week for some  Muscle Tuning™. She has met me at my office several times in the past, and those sessions have been very helpful. She said she was ready to challenge her body and wanted someone standing by to support her as she begins working out with equipment at the gym. She was somewhat fearful of hurting herself further by performing exercises if some of her muscles weren't firing properly yet. 

We didn't do the Primary or Secondary Muscle Tune Up Protocol which we perform for most people. I offered a highly customized session to help her recover from an injury. She is currently fully supported with great physiotherapy, however, there have been some muscles that have been extremely stubborn to return to proper function. She asked if switching on muscles throughout a gym workout could be helpful. Of course I let her know that's one of the best ways of demonstrating the instantly...

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Yoga Instructor and 1/2 Marathoner Receive Great Results from Muscle Tuningā„¢



 © 2018  Muscle Tuners International Inc.

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