Podcast Appearances

These recordings reflect the authentic me sharing my perspective on maintaining or improving wellness, self-care, preventing injury, recovering from injury, increasing strength /flexibility / range of motion, reducing stress and reaching physical and other goals more easily. Quite a nice collection even if I do say so myself!

If you like to consume information by listening or watching... here are some treats for you:


Yours in strength and balance!

© 2023 Denise Cambiotti – Muscle Tuners International Inc.



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Healing Can Happen Anywhere!


One of the things students often hear me say is that “healing can happen anywhere”.

The image above is me working on someone in a gym. This system requires no equipment so Muscle Tuning™ can just as easily be offered at someone’s residence or office, and if you click the play button, you will see another woman's video describing the dramatic change she enjoyed as a result of a conversation we had while I was out for a walk.


I was chatting with her on the phone after I had seen a post about her new kayak. That's when she mentioned that she had a fear of water. Wow. I stopped in my tracks at the park and asked if I could help with that.

She agreed so I led her through the process which took about 4 minutes. It was simple to coach Alison in our proprietary Dynamic Emotional Alignment Reset™ (DEAR) Technique to release trapped emotional stress and she said she already felt much less scared about going out in her...

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Hate Exercise? Change The Tune!

It's January and a lot of individuals are on an exercise kick, aren't they? Where will they be in February? You and I know that many of them will be frustrated, in pain and giving up.

The average person is doing the exercise thing backwards because they are Exercising to Tune Up their muscles in order to get stronger and develop better muscle tone. What if they Tuned Up Their Muscles BEFORE Exercising? 

Regardless of age, some of your muscles have 'checked out' because of over-use or injury and are not pulling their share of the weight. This causes other muscles to do the work of their neighbours. If several leg muscles aren't working properly for example, one may be at risk of a knee injury, an ankle sprain, or an unexpected fall. In addition, the muscles that are doing all the extra work get annoyed and will often communicate their displeasure with pain signals. Common pain relief methods won't last very long if this is the case. This...

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Sharing Knowledge is Like Passing on DNA

success stories Sep 01, 2020

As an every-day regular human being who might also be an educator, a parent, or a friend... do you feel compelled to share knowledge?

I love Ray Dalio's quote because it is very personal to me.

I had lived with pain and discomfort and low energy before discovering something that made a huge difference towards improving those conditions. It also positively supported me and my family during what developed into a very high-risk pregnancy where medical professionals constantly predicted dire outcomes. Beyond that, it continued to improve my quality of life with every visit to my new favourite health professional.

My eyes lit up and my inside voice shouted to me during my first experience with his method: "THIS is what I want to do when I grow up!!!"

LOL, I was 28 at the time!

Because of these positive experiences, I attended trainings from leaders and mentors in this field, some of whom have passed into the next dimension. Others are nearing that time of their lives....

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12 Years of Pain GONE After Two Sessions!

pain success stories Aug 30, 2019

Approximately 12 years ago I suffered a right shoulder injury. I had done everything from acupuncture to massage as well as everything in between. My doctor stated it was not bad enough for surgery. However, I lived with pain every day of the year. Some days it was quite excruciating while others not so bad, but always, the pain was there. 

I met Denise of Muscle Tuners International and was incredibly skeptical about what she did and how she did it. She demonstrated her skill during a Networking event on another set of muscles on me and it was one of those 'mind blown' experiences. 

I made the commitment to give it a try, after all, what did I have to lose after 12 plus years of pain? With high skepticism going in for the first session, I found at the end of the session the shoulder felt better than it had in the last 12 plus years, but there was still some pain. She had also tuned some other muscles. As a result, I had one of the best workouts of my life at the gym. Felt...

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Is That Tension You're Feeling .... Natural?

Yesterday I met with a client with a 'different' kind of concern. John felt that his scalp was too tight and it was causing him to lose his hair. He wondered if there was something we could do to help him release the tension at the top of his head because he knew we advertise that we tune up muscles. 

All I could say was: "Let's see what we can do" and proceeded to check various muscles. Without boring you with great detail but still giving you a glimpse of the marvel of body engineering, we used a technique for locating priority imbalances and found that we had to start with resetting walking reflexes in his feet, then we had to assess a hip muscle which needed activation of some reflexes at the top of his neck in order for the hip and feet receptors to have proper communication with his nervous system. Then we could assess communication patterns between four specific sets of connective tissues and muscles in the area...

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Results from Working with Just Two Muscles!

We have a Muscle Tuner® Specialist named Laurie who has been working with a friend who agreed to explore the results of focussing on just a couple of muscles, rather than working with numerous muscles from head to foot as is normally practiced. 

The friend has experienced extremely tight quadriceps muscles for years and regular massage therapy appointments over the last three months temporarily helped but didn't solve the problem. 

Laurie wanted to research the change in flexibility and range of motion possible with working with just a few key leg muscles. The experiment was to have this volunteer activate reflexes on her own at home daily for ten days. She was directed to observe her range of motion before and after activating the reflexes for the quadriceps and the opposing hamstrings.

The result was that this person's quadriceps muscles are now able relax enough and the hamstrings can tighten up enough so that she...

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Tuning for Recovery at the Gym

A client met me at the gym last week for some  Muscle Tuning™. She has met me at my office several times in the past, and those sessions have been very helpful. She said she was ready to challenge her body and wanted someone standing by to support her as she begins working out with equipment at the gym. She was somewhat fearful of hurting herself further by performing exercises if some of her muscles weren't firing properly yet. 

We didn't do the Primary or Secondary Muscle Tune Up Protocol which we perform for most people. I offered a highly customized session to help her recover from an injury. She is currently fully supported with great physiotherapy, however, there have been some muscles that have been extremely stubborn to return to proper function. She asked if switching on muscles throughout a gym workout could be helpful. Of course I let her know that's one of the best ways of demonstrating the instantly...

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Surprising Results from 'Power On Your Brain' Free Tip

We are sharing a pretty nice 'Winning Story' reported to us during our most recent Office Hours support video conference we regularly host for our members. One of our Muscle Tuner® Specialists gave a wonderful report. It was related to one of the techniques we often share called 'Power on Your Brain'.

She had a female friend in her mid 30's perform this technique. Touch for Health® colleagues know this as the 'Switching On Exercises'. This woman had had a stroke eight years previously and had undertaken a series of rehabilitation efforts during this duration and things had gotten better but she still had a few issues. She currently suffered from a problem with her peripheral vision.  This meant she couldn't view her surroundings with any amount of 'wide angle' that we mostly all take for granted. 

Instantly after performing this technique, she said "Oh My God!" and reported that all her peripheral vision had returned. She...

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Flexibility Increased!

Okay, so that's not a picture of me attached to this post. Did it get your attention though?

I've been struggling with a particular stretch similar to the one above but with the opposite arm reaching up from below to touch fingertips between the shoulder blades.

I've been posting social media images that our methods not only improve strength, they improve flexibility also. I wondered, if I could do that for other people like Andrea (first video on this link),  couldn't I focus on the flexibility component for myself too? I thought about which muscles were involved in the movement. I moved my left arm then my right arm around in various ways (fitting right in with everyone else in the stretching area at the back of the gym, of course).

I tested four muscles I suspected were involved. The Middle Trapezius was okay, but not the Lower Traps. They unlocked one one side so I activated reflexes on the front and back of the body for about 20 seconds each. Then...

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