Multi-costs of Multi-tasking

I was chatting with a contact today who mentioned something I did not yet know about the brain. She mentioned that multi-tasking has been proven to damage our mental health. She referred to the ways neural pathways are activated while multi-tasking. When you multi-task, the synapses that fire at these times are at risk of being affected by the similar changes observed in dementia patients. The reason for this is because our nervous system conducts regular synaptic pruning which is thought to be the brain's way of removing connections in the brain that are no longer needed. Whoops, you actually might have needed to keep some of these connections but they weren't fully developed and robust enough to be kept during the brains maintenance process!

Wow. I wondered if this is why it seems more women than men are affected by dementia. (Sorry guys, it has been noticed by some scientifically minded folks that most males are not as competent at multi-tasking compared to most...

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Stay Focussed to Stay Calm

Were you aware that activities that force you to focus on your breath or your body movements encourage your nervous system to relax and your body energies to 'ground'? Would that feel good to you about now?

Continue reading because the martial arts example demonstrates how your mind and body can become calm (but you won’t need to learn this art to gain benefits).

In martial arts it is important to constantly focus on your posture, how much weight each foot and joint is bearing, each phase of your breath, where your arms and hands are, at what angles your wrists and fingers are held, what direction your toes point and what you need to do to get to the next position...

Being this focussed on a single activity means there is no time to worry about what to make for dinner or how you're going to get your child to finish their homework. 

Many types of physical activities are actually like doing "moving meditation".

Lots of activities qualify. When you're in the gym...

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Surprising Results from 'Power On Your Brain' Free Tip

We are sharing a pretty nice 'Winning Story' reported to us during our most recent Office Hours support video conference we regularly host for our members. One of our Muscle Tuner® Specialists gave a wonderful report. It was related to one of the techniques we often share called 'Power on Your Brain'.

She had a female friend in her mid 30's perform this technique. Touch for Health® colleagues know this as the 'Switching On Exercises'. This woman had had a stroke eight years previously and had undertaken a series of rehabilitation efforts during this duration and things had gotten better but she still had a few issues. She currently suffered from a problem with her peripheral vision.  This meant she couldn't view her surroundings with any amount of 'wide angle' that we mostly all take for granted. 

Instantly after performing this technique, she said "Oh My God!" and reported that all her peripheral vision had returned. She...

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