The body is an absolute marvel of engineering. This article will discuss perspectives for pain management that also contribute to improved posture, physical movement, and general wellness.
Acupuncture is well known for treating pain. This approach is different from traditional western medicine as it embraces working with the body’s subtle-energetic patterns (‘chi’ flow). This art considers factors from areas at a distance from the pain and takes into account each individual’s unique blueprint when mapping their plan of care.
Meridian pathways move ‘chi’ throughout the body and follow the network of fascia. Modalities that focus on releasing fascial tension are also popular for reducing pain. However, when users of such systems focus just around the area of pain, relief is usually short-lived.
‘Chi’ energy flows along microscopic channels throughout the body. This has been scientifically proven with radioactive studies. Each...
Sometimes an injury is slow to heal and it takes longer for your client to recover than you would like. Maybe you have noticed a body part doesn’t function as well as it did before a strain or an accident has occurred.
Time and a conventional approach to therapy doesn’t always work. If this is the case, you need a different strategy so that clients achieve the results they want sooner.
It may interest you to know that in about 60-90 minutes over 50 muscles from head to foot can be checked to see if they are communicating with the brain optimally, along with resetting any that need to be tuned up. It’s wonderful to find and fix troubled muscles before your clients bend down to pick up a proverbial paperclip and ‘suddenly’ can’t get up again.
Because the body is electrical in nature, when there has been over-use, a strain, or other injury, the nervous system will often pop a ‘circuit-breaker’. Numerous muscles may seem...
A client met me at the gym last week for some Muscle Tuning™. She has met me at my office several times in the past, and those sessions have been very helpful. She said she was ready to challenge her body and wanted someone standing by to support her as she begins working out with equipment at the gym. She was somewhat fearful of hurting herself further by performing exercises if some of her muscles weren't firing properly yet.
We didn't do the Primary or Secondary Muscle Tune Up Protocol which we perform for most people. I offered a highly customized session to help her recover from an injury. She is currently fully supported with great physiotherapy, however, there have been some muscles that have been extremely stubborn to return to proper function. She asked if switching on muscles throughout a gym workout could be helpful. Of course I let her know that's one of the best ways of demonstrating the instantly...
Okay, so that's not a picture of me attached to this post. Did it get your attention though?
I've been struggling with a particular stretch similar to the one above but with the opposite arm reaching up from below to touch fingertips between the shoulder blades.
I've been posting social media images that our methods not only improve strength, they improve flexibility also. I wondered, if I could do that for other people like Andrea (first video on this link), couldn't I focus on the flexibility component for myself too? I thought about which muscles were involved in the movement. I moved my left arm then my right arm around in various ways (fitting right in with everyone else in the stretching area at the back of the gym, of course).
I tested four muscles I suspected were involved. The Middle Trapezius was okay, but not the Lower Traps. They unlocked one one side so I activated reflexes on the front and back of the body for about 20 seconds each. Then...
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