New Muscle TunerĀ® Specialist Hosts Successful Demo

It was another proud day when one of our graduates joined a regularly scheduled Zoom conference support call to report how things went for her at a recent demonstration event she hosted.

She told us she arranged to use some meeting space at a local gym and distributed posters around town, posted on social media and sent out personal invitations.

She shared with us the fear she had had about whether she could offer demonstrable changes in the short time allotted for each attendee.

How Did the Demo Go?

She was delighted to have very positive results with every volunteer! For example, two people with considerable pain felt a reduction in discomfort ranging from ‘almost all’ to ‘completely gone’. Another person had an old injury that required her to re-learn how to walk. The crowd and the young woman noticed that she was already walking better after a few Gait Mechanism Reflexes were reset. Another volunteer later had a regular follow up osteopathic appointment...

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Tip for Sore Joints and Muscles

pain tips Oct 12, 2018

Warm Ups Are Important
Even though my gym is nearby I have been a little tardy in arriving for group sessions the last few visits and didn't get an effective warmup. Not a good habit. During my last session, one of my knees complained loudly. It quickly got surprisingly painful to the point I couldn't put my full weight on the one leg during some of the moves.

Simple, Effective Technique
Thankfully we soon got a brief water break and I had about 20 seconds to perform the "Origin / Insertion Technique' that we teach in our Muscle Tuner™ Specialist program. You will want to remember the theory of this technique in case you ever experience a 'muscle pull'. Perform it as early as possible and you will be impressed with the results. #TIP

How to Do It?
The only trick to the technique is having some understanding of where your painful muscle 'originates' from and where it 'inserts'. Once you know that, use your fingertips to make tiny circular wiggles all along the edges of...

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Handy Technique at the Fair!

pain tips walking Sep 02, 2018

Last week I spent time at the end-of-summer fair in Vancouver, BC and enjoyed the President's Choice SuperDog show (#pcsuperdogs) at the arena. However, when descending the steep concrete steps surrounded by crowds of people, I turned my foot oddly while stepping down. Ouch. It felt like a light sprain at the bottom of my foot and it felt like the arch collapsed a bit. Determined to be tough and not spoil the day I managed well enough until I finished lunch. When I stood up, the discomfort was even worse.  I started wondering how I was going to make the very long trek back to the car.

As a Muscle Tuner™ Specialist, I happen to know that the Posterior Tibialis muscles are involved in helping support the arch of the foot. As any devoted practitioner of Muscle Tuning™, I plopped myself down on a nearby bench, pulled off my shoe and thoroughly activated the origin and insertion of this muscle on my sore foot. I also activated...

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