Breathe Deeply for the Next Three Minutes

energy self-care tips May 06, 2020

Most people take breathing for granted. As Muscle Tuner® Specialists, we pay attention to breathing habits.

• Deep breathing is one of the best and certainly cheapest ways to lower stress. When you breathe deeply, it sends a message to your brain to calm down and relax. The brain then forwards this message to your body.

• Shallow breathing causes the body to produce adrenaline. There are enough other stressors in our day not to add one more, so learn to breathe correctly.

• Why punish our precious adrenal glands? When there's a good supply of oxygen, our adrenals in particular understand they are not required to prepare the body for 'fight or flight'.

• Deep (diaphragmatic) breathing properly oxygenates the body which is essential for numerous functions including metabolism and energy production
((= fat burning!)

• Dr. Sheldon Deal, D.C., says: "We live on the bottom of a sea of energy. When we breathe, it is a form of breathing in some of this...

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Stay Focussed to Stay Calm

Were you aware that activities that force you to focus on your breath or your body movements encourage your nervous system to relax and your body energies to 'ground'? Would that feel good to you about now?

Continue reading because the martial arts example demonstrates how your mind and body can become calm (but you won’t need to learn this art to gain benefits).

In martial arts it is important to constantly focus on your posture, how much weight each foot and joint is bearing, each phase of your breath, where your arms and hands are, at what angles your wrists and fingers are held, what direction your toes point and what you need to do to get to the next position...

Being this focussed on a single activity means there is no time to worry about what to make for dinner or how you're going to get your child to finish their homework. 

Many types of physical activities are actually like doing "moving meditation".

Lots of activities qualify. When you're in the gym...

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Special Edition Self-Care Toolbox by CanBeWell

self-care Apr 01, 2020

We are a partner association with Canadian Association of Bioenergetic Wellness here in Canada. They have put out a newsletter with numerous self-care techniques that may help you anytime you feel stressed. Good topic about now. Feel free to share and repost.

Click here for this special issue PDF.

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Two Things NEVER to do in the Shower!

self-care Jan 27, 2020

Watch this video to find out if you do either of these innocent actions in your daily life... because if you do, you might be triggering discomfort in your body!
I'll be demonstrating activating spinal reflexes for the Latissimus Dorsi (the largest back muscle) and a hand receptor stress point that affects grip strength and neck kinks.

Very practical knowledge.

Be Strong. Be Confident. Be Tuned!

Denise Cambiotti 
© 2020 Muscle Tuners International Inc.

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Not feeling well after that Halloween Candy?

tips Nov 01, 2019

It can be challenging not to be tempted by all the Halloween candy available everywhere this week. Did you resist so far? Did did you keep it to a small taste or two? If yes, congratulations!  If no, did you notice how hard it is to stop, especially when there are so many different ones to sample??

Eating sugary treats like candy, most breakfast cereals and even many gluten-free products is very hard on your pancreas because it is the organ responsible for producing the chemicals that break down all that sweetness. 

Here's a helpful tip to support your pancreas. 
There's a neurological reflex point that you can activate with small circular rubbing motions that helps stimulate the pancreas when it's gotten a bit too sluggish after working so hard: 

Rub this point gently yet firmly for about 30 seconds two or three times on days when you've indulged in something sweet. It really helps your body function more easily. 


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12 Years of Pain GONE After Two Sessions!

pain success stories Aug 30, 2019

Approximately 12 years ago I suffered a right shoulder injury. I had done everything from acupuncture to massage as well as everything in between. My doctor stated it was not bad enough for surgery. However, I lived with pain every day of the year. Some days it was quite excruciating while others not so bad, but always, the pain was there. 

I met Denise of Muscle Tuners International and was incredibly skeptical about what she did and how she did it. She demonstrated her skill during a Networking event on another set of muscles on me and it was one of those 'mind blown' experiences. 

I made the commitment to give it a try, after all, what did I have to lose after 12 plus years of pain? With high skepticism going in for the first session, I found at the end of the session the shoulder felt better than it had in the last 12 plus years, but there was still some pain. She had also tuned some other muscles. As a result, I had one of the best workouts of my life at the gym. Felt...

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3 Self-Care Techniques = Massive Results

flexibility pain self-care Aug 30, 2019

I’ve been telling people all week that everybody can be stronger and have less tension, PRONTO by using our techniques. This Thursday evening I was given another opportunity to prove this belief.

I arrived 10 minutes early for a group coaching session and one of the attendees asked for my help because he couldn’t move his head. Seemed pretty serious because it  barely rotated an inch off of center. You could see he was sitting with a lot of tension in his back and shoulders and his face didn’t look too happy either. It seemed pretty uncomfortable so I agreed to see what could be done before the class began.

I chose three of our among our greatest home-run techniques.  First I thoroughly performed the ‘Circuit Breaker Reset’ for about two minutes. This is a quick-fix for increasing flexibility in the spine. Then I did the ‘Neck Tension Release' for another two minutes because ear cartilage contains numerous postural...

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Is That Tension You're Feeling .... Natural?

Yesterday I met with a client with a 'different' kind of concern. John felt that his scalp was too tight and it was causing him to lose his hair. He wondered if there was something we could do to help him release the tension at the top of his head because he knew we advertise that we tune up muscles. 

All I could say was: "Let's see what we can do" and proceeded to check various muscles. Without boring you with great detail but still giving you a glimpse of the marvel of body engineering, we used a technique for locating priority imbalances and found that we had to start with resetting walking reflexes in his feet, then we had to assess a hip muscle which needed activation of some reflexes at the top of his neck in order for the hip and feet receptors to have proper communication with his nervous system. Then we could assess communication patterns between four specific sets of connective tissues and muscles in the area...

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Results from Working with Just Two Muscles!

We have a Muscle Tuner® Specialist named Laurie who has been working with a friend who agreed to explore the results of focussing on just a couple of muscles, rather than working with numerous muscles from head to foot as is normally practiced. 

The friend has experienced extremely tight quadriceps muscles for years and regular massage therapy appointments over the last three months temporarily helped but didn't solve the problem. 

Laurie wanted to research the change in flexibility and range of motion possible with working with just a few key leg muscles. The experiment was to have this volunteer activate reflexes on her own at home daily for ten days. She was directed to observe her range of motion before and after activating the reflexes for the quadriceps and the opposing hamstrings.

The result was that this person's quadriceps muscles are now able relax enough and the hamstrings can tighten up enough so that she...

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Tuning for Recovery at the Gym

A client met me at the gym last week for some  Muscle Tuning™. She has met me at my office several times in the past, and those sessions have been very helpful. She said she was ready to challenge her body and wanted someone standing by to support her as she begins working out with equipment at the gym. She was somewhat fearful of hurting herself further by performing exercises if some of her muscles weren't firing properly yet. 

We didn't do the Primary or Secondary Muscle Tune Up Protocol which we perform for most people. I offered a highly customized session to help her recover from an injury. She is currently fully supported with great physiotherapy, however, there have been some muscles that have been extremely stubborn to return to proper function. She asked if switching on muscles throughout a gym workout could be helpful. Of course I let her know that's one of the best ways of demonstrating the instantly...

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